他們比女人還美~Drag Queen成為時尚舞台的新嬌點


變裝皇后Violet Chachki穿著Moschino黑色長手套造型禮服,出席紐約2019年Met Gala晚會。
(圖片來源: IG @violetchachki )
變裝皇后Aquaria穿著Maison Margiela黑色解構禮服,出席紐約2019 Met Gala晚會。
(圖片來源: IG @ageofaquaria)

當變裝皇后Rupaul、Aquaria、Violet Chachki於2019年受邀參加紐約最受注目的Met Gala年度派對,並成為史上首度正式出席Met Gala晚會的跨性別裝扮藝人們,我們應該可以很肯定的說,變裝皇后已走進主流市場,而他們也是繼超級名模、好萊塢女星及時尚部落客與網紅之後的最新時尚界新寵。



變裝皇后Violet Chachki為Moschino 2019早春服裝秀擔任壓軸模特兒。
(圖片來源: IG@violetchachki )

然而魯保羅變裝皇后秀的電視轉播,改變了這一切。年輕的皇后妹妹們從小就看Vogue時尚雜誌,學習怎麼挑選有品味的服裝造型,還從Youtube美妝頻道精進更有女人味的化妝技巧;最重要的是,他們從魯保羅變裝皇后秀的參賽者的故事中,獲得無比的自信啟發。Violet Chachki是該節目第7季的冠軍,當年才21歲的他,以無懈可擊的化妝與時尚風格擊敗眾姊妹。而節目結束後,他立刻被嗜新的時尚界相中,除了走上Moschino的米蘭時裝秀,他還參與Prada廣告短片的演出。

變裝皇后Violet Chachki在Prada 2018秋冬廣告短片中演出。
(圖片來源: IG@violetchachki )

他同一季的好姊妹Miss Fame,也是以同樣的復古妖冶風情,讓許多設計師們著迷,除了紐約時裝周的伸展台,近年來於許多國際時裝周的第一排都可以看到Miss Fame比真正的女人還要美麗迷人的身影。

變裝皇后Miss Fame在巴黎參加時裝周的街拍時尚。
(圖片來源: IG@missfamenyc)
變裝皇后Miss Fame參加法國設計大師 Jean Paul Gaultier (左) 50 周年紀念、同時這也是他退休前的最後一場服裝秀。 (圖片來源: IG@missfamenyc)

魯保羅變裝皇后秀第10季冠軍Aquaria,從Instagram崛起,未參與比賽前,就已在社群網站以Fashion Queen的名號驚豔時尚圈。秀後挾著后冠的餘威,他走上了紐約設計師The Blonds的時裝秀,他和Miss Fame還成為英國設計師Erdem 2020春夏時裝秀的頭排座上客。

(圖片來源: IG@ageofaquaria)
(圖片來源: IG@ageofaquaria)
(左起) 變裝皇后Aquaria、美國男星Billy Porter、變裝皇后Miss Fame一同出席英國設計師Erdem 2020春夏時裝秀。 (圖片來源: IG@ageofaquaria)


其實在 2014 年,一直以超越性別設計風格知名的設計師 Jean Paul Gaultier,早就邀請過大鬍子姊姊 Conchita Wurst,這位獲得歐洲歌唱大賽冠軍的變裝皇后走上伸展台,展現時尚界對多元文化的接受與包容。對普羅大眾而言,一個穿著禮服、頂著大濃妝,卻又滿臉絡腮鬍的不比尋常造型,或許需要一些時間的消化後才可以好好欣賞,但是當 Conchita Wurst 一開口唱歌時,他的才華已遠遠超越他的外表所設定的形象。

大鬍子變裝皇后歌手Conchita Wurst,穿著Jean Paul Gaultier為他特別設計的禮服,華麗登場。(圖片來源: IG @jpgaultierofficial)
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Twelve points for Conchita!❤️

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設計師 Jean Paul Gaultier (右)與大 鬍子變裝皇后 Conchita Wurst,於 Jean Paul Gaultier
的服裝秀後台。(圖片來源: IG @jpgaultierofficial)

L.A. 設計師 Marco Marco 以男性內褲設計起家,然而他每一季的服裝秀根本就是變裝皇后的嘉年華,在他的心目中,人類沒有性別、年齡及種族之分,每一個人都是美麗的個體,只要是有個性及自我風格的人,都歡迎到他的伸展台一顯身手。於是來自魯保羅變裝皇后秀的參賽者們,成了 Marco Marco 服裝秀的最亮點,而且無論是贏家或輸家、豐腴或纖瘦、高挑或矮小,都在他的舞台上有發光發亮的一席之地。

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@sashavelour x NYFW @stylefw #marcomarco

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魯保羅變裝皇后賽第9季冠軍得主Sasha Velour以獨特的光頭造型,走上Marco Marco的伸展台。
(圖片來源: IG @marcosquared )
魯保羅變裝皇后賽第3季冠軍得主Raja,雖然已45歲,依舊在Marco Marco的服裝秀上,豔冠群芳。
(圖片來源: IG @marcosquared )

其實有越來越多國際精品品牌加入對多元文化的贊同與支持。除了Moschino、The Blonds、Marco Marco及Jean Paul Gaultier,紐約品牌Opening Ceremony的2019春夏時裝秀就動用了40位變裝皇后的演出;除此之外,魯保羅變裝皇后賽的參賽者之一Milk,還被Marc Jacobs看中,成為品牌廣告形象的模特兒。期待更多變裝姊妹們的亮麗表現,畢竟「革命尚未成功,同志仍須努力」,大家同志彩虹月快樂!

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DAN One night while watching RuPaul’s Drag Race I recognized one of our men’s sweaters on a tall, handsome contestant. His unique, artistic drag sensibility reminded me so much of the amazing drag characters of my club days at The Pyramid, Copacabana and other New York haunts I used to frequent. Upon realizing that Dan Donigan was MILK (who used to work with us at Marc Jacobs), I started following @bigandmilky on @Instagram. Today I share with you this portrait of Young American, Dan Donigan shot by David Sims for our Spring/Summer 2016 campaign as well as the touching direct message (DM) I received from Dan after “liking” one of his photographs: “Hey there! I want to start out by saying thank you! When I started working for the MJ stores 5 years ago, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life. I was lost. All I knew was that I wanted to flex my creative muscle and most importantly, be happy. Working for your namesake company helped me along the way. It was living the summer of 2011 at the store in Ptown that opened my eyes to so many different outlets of what the art of drag could be. It wasn't necessarily about female impersonation. It was about representing oneself in the most fabulous way, whether it be a Cher impersonator or throwing a shit ton of glitter on your face and dancing the night away in a basement! ? Where I am now in my life is absolutely surreal. Of course I have worked my ass off along the way which has only made it that much tighter and easier to show off haha ?As a 15 year old little boy, I would never have thought I would be here, travelling around the world, putting on makeup, and performing for fans. I am blessed to have had the past I had, a life that pushed me to reach and strive for something unknown yet better! Long story short(ish)…Thank you for following me and contributing to my creative life. It really does mean a lot ? Please feel free to shout whenever you would like to attend American Ballet Theatre. I know James, my boyfriend, would love to have you in the audience!!! Hope our paths cross soon! Xox Milk aka Dan” And I hope they keep crossing… To quote RuPaul, “we’re all born naked and the rest is drag." X, M.

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魯保羅變裝皇后賽的參賽者之一 Milk 以中性裝扮演譯 Marc Jacobs 廣告。
(圖片來源:IG @themarcjacobs
紐約品牌 Opening Ceremony 的 2019 春夏時裝秀上的變裝皇后模特兒群與演出
嘉賓克莉絲汀(中)。(圖片來源:IG @openingceremony


巴黎裝飾藝術博物館將與故宮和Van Cleef & Arpels推典藏特展
Acne Studios微風南山店開幕