別只會賣大頭菜,Valentino、Marc Jacobs把動物森友會的無人島變伸展台!



source : @ nintendoswitches

在動森中也可以滿足現實生活無法達成的慾望!Valentino、Marc Jacobs就與攝影師Kara Chung合作動森企劃,Valentino選出20件2020春夏和早秋的男女服裝款式;Marc Jacobs則精選出6款最具代表性的單品,轉換成動森版本,玩家可以透過輸入編碼,讓角色穿上這些華服。

source : @masionvalentino
source : @masionvalentino
source : @marcjacobs


source : @animalcrossingfashionarchive
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VIRTUAL SHOWROOM: CARL JAN CRUZ with collaborators RENZO NAVARRO & SIMON TE “Carl Jan Cruz, a Contemporary Filipino fashion brand, is a collection of visual autobiographies that aims to represent an honest dialogue between personal past and present. This design process aims to analyze, refine, and re-purpose personal articles of clothing by applying the methodology of somaesthetics. This concept of refining sentiment into something tangible is realized through rigorous toiling and sampling. Articles that are familiar and have been tested over the years of the wear and tear process. These nostalgic emotions strongly manifest through consistent attention to the fit, make, and feel of the garment. A constant collaboration with Renzo Navarro (@_renzonavarro) , a photographer based in Manila Philippines, has always rooted back from knowing each other from a decade ago. Going to the same all boys Catholic school there has always been an overlap of visual desire to express the mundane things we’d see on our daily school bus routes that have translated in to commutes – encapsulating and recreating a universe and community we’ve come to know CarlJanCrewz.” /// Working with CJ is always a euphoric experience. The films we’ve made have always been fueled by an intimate understanding of who we are. So in looking deeper, the themes are always driven by the nuances of being Filipino. Not merely for the sake of representation, but because these are realities innately true to us.” —Simon Te, Director (@simon.te) — Designer @carljancruz Directed by @simon.te Photography by @_renzonavarro Song: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence – Ryuichi Sakamoto

A post shared by ANIMALCROSSINGFASHIONARCHIVE (@animalcrossingfashionarchive) on

source : @animalcrossingfashionarchive

另一個由網頁設計師Shel Orock和工業設計師Richmond Young創立的帳號 @crossingtherunway,他們不僅是動森的資深玩家,過去就常在IG分享為電玩角色打造的名牌服飾,並提供編碼分享。

Shel Orock和Richmond Young在接受媒體BOF採訪時說到,要把這些精品的造型搬到動森裡並不容易,首先必須先做大量的研究,確切知道每款服裝正面、反面的輪廓、細節,在32×32像素的有限框架裡盡可能展現出完整度,甚至像是垂墜、縐摺細微處也要盡可能仿真,達到最大化的品牌辨識度。

source : @crossingtherunway



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